Privacy & Cookies Policy

We’ve recently updated our Privacy Policy to clarify what personal information we collect from our supporters and why we collect it. In line with new EU data-protection regulations, the new policy explains The Tairona Heritage Trust’s compliance and your rights in relation to these regulations.

Since you’ve visited our website, requested information or made donations to us before, we wanted to let you know that we’ve updated our privacy policy. That way, you can find out exactly how we use your data.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Privacy and Personal Data Policy

This policy explains the types of personal data we (The Tairona Heritage Trust) may collect about you when you interact with us. We collect and process data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. We do not disclose data to any third parties unless disclosure is necessary for the fulfilment of a service; you have specifically given consent for a particular service; or we have a legitimate interest in disclosing data. Instances in which we do disclose data to third parties are outlined below.

If you have any questions not answered by this policy, please contact us at

Our legal bases for processing personal data 

Under the General Data Protection Regulations we rely on the following legal bases for processing your data:

Consent – we will ask your consent for contacting you via email or post. If you consent we can collect and process your data for this purpose.

Contract – we sometimes need to collect and process your personal data in order to fulfil a contract with you, for example an order

Legal – we are obliged to process some personal data to comply with the law. If you make a donation to us we must retain some personal data for at least six years to comply with our legal obligations.

Legitimate interests – we collect and process some personal data to pursue our legitimate interests in a way you would reasonably expect as part of running the Trust; for example, to check information on our subscribers and supporters in order to provide details about our activities and campaigns.

The kinds of personal data we collect 

Depending on your interaction with us, we may collect and process all or some of the following information:

  • Name

  • Address details

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Gender

  • Marketing preferences

  • Donation history

  • Activity on our website – this is gathered by the use of cookies in your web browser

  • Computer IP address

How we protect your personal data 

The Tairona Heritage Trust’s website is held on a secure server using a verified SSL (secure socket layer) system for transferring data. If you click on the small padlock symbol at the top of your browser's screen, next to the web address, you will be taken to the site's security certificate. If you have any concerns regarding the security of this site, please contact us at

With whom we share personal data 

Sometimes we need to share your personal data with trusted third parties. In these instances, your data will only be used for the exact purpose we specify, will be transferred and stored securely, and will be deleted or rendered anonymous if we stop working with that third party.

Examples of the third parties with whom we share data are:

  • Payment-processing services

  • Delivery couriers and postal services

  • Email marketing service providers

  • Event ticketing services

  • Customer service management systems

This list is not exhaustive and may change from time-to-time in line with our work processes.  Please be assured that we will only ever share your information with trusted parties who adhere to GDPR and the correct standards of security.

How long we keep your data 

We will only keep your data for as long as it’s needed. After that, we’ll either delete it completely or render it anonymous (removing personal data but keeping information such as order amount for business analysis).

If you contact us at expressing interest in the work of the Trust and requesting information and you don’t consent to marketing, we’ll keep your data for a year in case you wish to follow up with your enquiries.

If you make a donation to us, we’ll keep your data for six years in order to comply with legal obligations. You can request that some of this is removed sooner. After six years we will remove your data unless you have consented to our marketing.

Your rights over personal data

You have the right to:

  • Access your personal data, free of charge

  • Have your personal data rectified if out of date or incorrect

  • Have personal data erased, unless that would conflict with our legal obligations

  • Withdraw consent for us to use personal data, if you have previously given consent

  • Object to us processing your personal data and/or stop us using data for further communications and notification of our activities.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, you should contact us at

How to stop us using your data for notifications of our activities:

You can stop us  contacting or marketing to you via post or email in the following ways:

  • By clicking the ‘opt out’ link at the bottom of any marketing email we send

  • By contacting us at asking to opt out

Please note, you may continue to receive marketing from us for a short period after opting out.  We will provide you with more detailed processing times should you make such a request.

How to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you are unhappy with our use of personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. The ICO’s contact details can be found on the ICO’s website.

About our use of cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are minute text files stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. At The Tairona Heritage Trust’s website, we use cookies to keep track of visitor activity on the site, donations, and to remember you when you return to our site. To make a donation on this website, you need to have cookies enabled. If you don't wish to enable cookies, you can browse the site but you may not be able to make a donation.

Most web browsers have default settings that allow cookies to be stored. However, under the “Managing Your Cookies” section below, we explain how to disable or enable cookies, should you wish to change your settings.

It should be noted that cookies cannot harm your computer. Furthermore, we do not store personally identifiable information such as credit card details in any cookies we create. We use encrypted information gathered from the cookies to help improve your experience of the site. For example, they help us to identify and resolve errors, or determine relevant related products to show you when browsing our site.

We have relationships with carefully selected and monitored suppliers who may also set cookies during your visit to our website. The principal purpose of such cookies is to show you different information based on what you appear to be interested in. If you'd like to opt out from the storing of such cookies, please go to the Network Advertising Initiative website.

If you'd like to learn more about cookies in general and how to manage them, visit

Please note that we are not responsible for the content of external websites that are linked to from our website.

About the cookies we set

To make full use of the information and features on this website, your computer, tablet or mobile phone will need to accept cookies, as we can only provide you with certain personalised features of this website by using them.

The cookies we set do not store sensitive information such as your name, address or payment details; they simply hold an anonymous 'key' that, once you're signed in, is associated with this information. However, if you would prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, you can use your browser to do so.