THT Newsletter Sept 2024

Hi all,

It’s been a productive summer in the Trust and as it draws to a close, we are delighted to let you know what we’ve been up to and what the autumn will bring our supporters.

Save the Date

Please join us on Oct 15th, 2024, at 5pm BST, at the Royal Anthropological Society in London or online to hear a new Kogi message for the world. Mamo Manuel, who featured heavily in the film Aluna, is sending his son Narciso to London to share the Kogi views on climate change. He will also explain the significance of gold as a very sacred material and why the Kogi are emphatic that it should not be taken out of the earth. The live event capacity is very small, so make sure you book your seats well in advance! We will stream the event online as well.

Colombia Project News

Thanks to your generous donations, a piece of ancestral land is being returned to the Kogi people in September. The area called La Benedicion de Dios (the Blessing of God) will form what the Kogi call a ‘thought laboratory’ where they can teach their land restoration methods to academics for the collaborative project, Munekan Masha. We are still raising money to bring territory back to its rightful owners, so please continue to support this important work. The more land returned and healed helps the whole planet.

Alan’s new book

Alan Ereira’s latest book, ‘Gold: How it Shaped History’ is now available for pre-order. The book tracks the history of gold and in connection with the Kogi ideas that gold forms the veins of the planet, he explores golds power over humanity. Alan will launch the book at a private event at the Royal Geographical Society, London on Oct 18th. You can also attend the event in Oxford: CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE PLACE OF GOLD: ANCIENT WISDOM AND THE WARNING. A COLOMBIAN KOGI SPEAKS, featuring Alan Ereira in conversation with ‘Narciso Coronado Vacuna’ at Caper Bookshop, 74-77 Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RE, on Thursday, 17 October at 7:30 pm.

New appointment

We are also thrilled to announce the appointment of, Dr Vian Sharif, as a trustee. Vian has a PhD in pro-environmental behaviour from Imperial College and holds a master’s from Cambridge. She brings an enormous wealth of knowledge about biodiversity and nature to the board.

Word of Chair

We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and believe that we have a lot ahead of us. Only together can we find the path to healthier worlds. Please share any thoughts, feelings, and feedback you may have.



Chair THT


Alan Ereira’s retirement