Help for the Kogi during Covid-19

To protect themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire Kogi People have isolated themselves in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta for three months initially, and closed it off to outsiders. They do not descend, and even travel between Kogi villages has been restricted by their authorities to prevent any contagion. As a result, the variety and amount of foods that they can grow and acquire has been drastically reduced, a situation exacerbated by raging wildfires in March that affected many parts of the Sierra, and because govermental assistance has been limited.

To allow them to keep isolating successfully and improve their food security, the Kogi are in need of donations for food deliveries, as well as medicines and protective equipment to carry out safe deliveries and face any possible complications. Their indigenous organisation, Gonawndúa Tayrona, has established a logistics and safety measures protocol specifying the use and delivery of any donations received to 14 key Kogi villages, from where supplies can be distributed to further families.   

For these reasons the Tairona Heritage Trust has started a fundraising campain to help with this situation in collabiration with the Kogi Organization. Anything you can give will be highly appreciated. On their end, Kogi spiritual leaders, the Mamas, have been working for weeks on end at their sacred sites to soothe this global pandemic through spiritual consultations and rites that restore what is according to them essentially an far-reaching ecological imbalance. In this way we could assist each other.

Please consider donating. Thank you!


June 2020 Newsletter


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